Brief description of the organization:

Name of NGO : Sonar Bangla Foundation (SBF)

Address : Modhuganj Bazar Kaligonj Jhenaidah-7350, Bangladesh
Phone-880-247 774 8502, Mobile: 01712001066
Year of establishment : July 1995.

To whom the organization is accountable:

Primarily the organization is accountable to its constituents: the beneficiaries, relevant stakeholders and the Executive Committee (EC). The organization always concentrates to develop projects based on beneficiaries’ problems and actual needs and shares its progress and activities with them through different forms of modalities like meetings, workshops, trainings, referral and supports services etc. In respect of management, it is fully accountable to the Executive Committee for its activities and have to be produced these before the EC in the regular meeting for informing & reviewing. It is also accountable to the District Coordination Committee (DCC) and the District Administration of Bangladesh Government.

Contact person of the organization and address:

Name: Shibu Pada Biswas
Shibu Pada Biswas
Executive Director
Designation: Executive Director
Sonar Bangla Foundation

Address: Modhuganj Bazar, Kaligonj-7350, Jhenaidah
Phone: 04523-56021, Mobile: 01712001066

Legitimacy of the organization

The organization is registered with Social Welfare Department & NGO Affairs Bureau, Bangladesh.
# Department/Particular Description
1 Social Welfare Dept Vide no. 153/98, 12/2/1998
2 NGO A. Bureau: Vide no 2550, 11/03/2010 Renew: Up to 20 March, 2030
3 PADOR No. BD-2010-DGH-1806039794
4 TIN No. 277679291728
5 BIN No. 001605758


  • The organization works for strengthening democracy and good governance. Hence, it strengthens networking with local government department through advocacy, networking, discussion and sharing of ideas.
  • The organization gives all-out support to the vulnerable women and children, people and children with disabilities, marginalized communities with regar01d to beliefs & culture to let them have and enjoy their basic needs in the target areas. It particularly keeps in tracks of reducing women and child trafficking at highly trafficking prone zones.
  • Develop awareness on WASH of the community people through involving them in participatory safe water, health and sanitation facilities including raising awareness and perception on HIV/AIDS and MCH facilities.
  • Promotion awareness on land rights and relevant laws among the landless, poor and unconscious community.
  • Promote sustainable agriculture and food security with fostering farmers’ rights and strengthening adaptation capacity going on with rigorous climate change.
  • Promote child & youth friendly environment with safeguarding child rights in everywhere giving focus on education, safety & security and physical & mental development including the provision of child friendly vocational training.
  • Improve the livelihood of the destitute women & girls involving them with different forms of income generating activities including credit facilities and linkage with others service providers.
  • Launch awareness raising movement in protection and preserving environment free from pollution and save the natural & public resources.
  • Create opportunities for recreational facilities for the poor and vulnerable women, Girls and children of the poor community of the society.
  • Promote community initiatives to protect women & girls from any forms of violence having. Promoting citizens’ rights.

Executive Committee of the organization:

# Name Designation Sex Occupation
1 Sheik Ataul Haque Zehad President Male Private Service
2 Rashed Sattar Toru Vice president Male Professor
3 Shibu Pada Biswas General Sec. Male Social activist
4 Smriit Biswas Joint Sec. Female Lecturer
5 Elyus Hossain Treasurer Male Businessman
6 Pankaj Kumar Shaha Member Male Professor
7 Chanchal Mukherjee Member Male Advocate
8 Shyamol Basu Member Male Business
9 Kazal Rekha Member Female House wife

Senior staff members of the organization:

# Designation No. Sex Duration in the job
1 Executive Director 1 Male 20 years plus
2 Coordinator 1 Male 16 years plus
3 Project Coordinator 1 Male 18 years plus
4 Finance officer 1 Female 10 Years
5 M&E Officer 1 Female 10 Years
6 Program Officer 1 Male 20 years plus

Total staff of the organization

# Designation No. Sex Placement/posting place
1 Executive Director 1 Male Office based
2 Coordinator 1 Male Office based
3 Project Coordinator 1 Male Office based
4 Accountant 2 Male +Female Office based
5 Trainer 1 Male Field Based
6 Field Worker (regular) 32 (15+17) Male + Female Field Based
7 Field Worker (volunteer) 11 Male + Female Field Based
8 Peon 7 Male
9 Night Guard 1 Male