Name of Project Major Focus Outcome Location Donors Duration
Water-use Efficient Agriculture Practice (WEAP- Project) To promote farmers’ adaptive Water-use Efficient Agriculture Practice aiming to develop a replicable model in the long run to secure food and environmental sustainability in the locality Target farmers are using less ground water, chemical fertilizers and pesticide and inclining to eco-friendly agronomic practice adaptive to sustainable agriculture farming. The farmers are also utilizing the rain water at their best and using organic fertilizer and bio-pest in agriculture Kaligonj Upazila under Jhenaidah District JFGE through Share The Planet Association, Japan Ongoing from April,2018 to 2022
Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Programme To make positive change in livelihood of Ultra 2382 poor women with attention to further deterioration of living condition In the meantime 1382 ultra-poor women have identified and received VGD Card and received life skill based education (health, Hygiene and sanitation. Sailkupa and Kaligonj, Moheshpur, Harinakundu Upazilasunder Jhenaidah district and Magura sadar and Mohammadpur upazils under Magura district Ministry of Women and Child Affairs Dept, of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Ongoing since 2013
Mother and Children Health and Nutrition-Project. Awareness raising, Materials supports including Treatment (therapy) and Social and economic rehabilitation through credit & networking 1000 mothers and women have been aware about health & Hygiene and Nutrition and the necessity of timely treatment Kaligonj Upazila under Jhenaidah District Won Ongoing since 2010
Strengthening and Follow up of PLDP Approach in Bangladesh; To make the farmers self-reliant through making them capacitated about agro-technology and being adapted with the changing climate change. To make the targeted farmers acquainted with the most recent agro technologies and how can they be associated. Kaligonj Upazila under Jhenaidah District FIMARC. Through Susamaj Foundation Ongoing since 2018
women and child rights and Protection protecting child marriage ( ballaya bibaho roadh ) and women torture protection From beginning to till date SBF is very active and sincere and active in prevention of child marriage ( pre-matured marriage) and protection t women and children from any forms of abuse, humiliation and exploitation kaliganj upazilla Own fund 2000 to still now ongoing
24 hours Hotline service for the protection of women & child trafficking and torture. To prevent trafficking through networking with NGO’s hotline This will prevent all type of trafficking through networking. Jhenaidah District Khan Foundation & Own Since January 2010 now on going
Health & Rehabilitation support for the people with disability-project Awareness raising, Materials supports including Treatment (therapy) and Social and economic rehabilitation through credit & networking 1290 disabled people received treatment, materials and IGA loan. Such types of activities are still going on for providing supports to the people with disabilities. Kaligonj CDD. National Development Foundation for the Disabled and Own Started from 2001 and On going
Income Generation Activities for Poverty Alleviation. Supporting the poor and vulnerable women with IGA training (Cow fattening, Goat rearing, fish cultivation, Tailoring, Block-Buttik etc) and networking supports for making them able to be self-help 1400 poor women of the urban slum have been small entrepreneurs and keeping continue their sound footsteps till today. Jhenaidah ,Kaligonj Own fund
Emergency responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic Awareness raising the community campaigns of miking in rural remote areas. Expand the COVID-19 response initiative by engaging more local CSOs-NGOs. Emergency food support for the marginalized and workless people. Distribution of hand washing soap, masks and IEC materials. Jhenaidah District ACLAB, Dhaka and won fund Started in 2020 and on going
Luxur Cook Stove-ICS Program To promote environment and health friendly cooking technology in the locality. There is required less time and cost involvement. Further it also health and environment friendly. Kaligonj Upazila of Jhenaidah District. Luxur Green Energy Lrd through USAID & IDCOL On going March 2018
Basic Literacy Program To develop illiteracy & numeracy capacity of the adult people (Aged 15-45 years) who don’t still have the literacy knowledge including life skill and income generating training. 3000 men and 3000 women are receiving literacy and numeracy knowledge through 100 education learning centers, training and networking supports Mohespur Upazila under Jhenaidah district. Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE) through Srizony Bangladesh From January, 2018 to Jun 2021
Promoting and Protecting Rights of the Working Children (PPRWC) To contribute to the systematic prevention and elimination of hazardous child labor and exploitative child labor. 7500 children and their parents & employers alongside the local authorities and communities have been informed and aware about the negative consequence of hazardous child labours. Above all the targeted working and vulnerable children got a friendly and learning environment through 05 Stop Over Home (SOH). Moreover drop out children & adolescent boys & girls received primary education through these five SOHs including reenrollment to school & college. Kaliganj, Jhenaidah Sadar and Magura Upazilas respectively under Jhenaidah, Magura district Manusher Jonno foundation, Dhaka April, 2007 to March 2017
Health, safe water option, HIV/AIDS & MCH Health and sanitation support Above 2000 beneficiaries have been aware about health, safe water, HIV-AIDS & MCH. The activities are still progressing with a success Kaligonj Kotchandpur Own/ Padkkhep consortium Started in 1999 and ongoing
Maternity Allowance for the Poor pregnant and Lactating Mother-Programme To reduce the maternal mortality and child mortality among the poor through creating health awareness and running health camp in local level Pregnant mother and the family members have been aware about the nutrient foods during pregnancy. They have also been received clear perception about the importance of lactating to her child. Moreover they have been have the clear messages about the family planning, EPI, harmful effects of child marriage, marriage with dowry. Kaligonj Upazila, Jhenaidah Ministry of Women and Child Affairs Dept, of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. December,2013 to November, 2015
Pre-primary education for Underprivileged Children of Urban Slum and others To provide free education to the poor and marginalized children so that they can read and write Since the beginning 1050 children have been able to read and write and now maintaining their business accounts Kaligonj BRAC Started in 2000 and closed in 2012
Microcredit for Poor People To support the Poor women Access to Capital, Entrepreneurship and Self-Sufficiency, Improved Standards of Living through Women's Economic Advancement Jhenaidah Sadar and Kaliganj Upazilla Own fund June 1999- April 2007
Adult Literacy Program To give literacy of underprivileged women and men There were 850 male and 1650 female beneficiaries attained literacy capacity Kaligonj & Kotchandpur PROSHIKA started in 2001 to closed in 2003
Democracy and good governance Strengthening local government People living at Jamal and Niyamotpur Unions under Kaligonj Upazila have been aware about their Civil and political rights Kaligonj WAVE ARD Bangladesh Started in 2003 and closed at 2004.
Strengthening Local Government. Formation of Steering committee at Union Parishad and ensure government facilities 2 union and 42 villagers are getting benefited Kaligonj Upazila DANIDA through WAVE foundation Dec 2004 to December 2010
Human Rights and Democratic partnership Legal Aid and legal literacy Social Arbitration and case mediation legal support to women about to 150 Kaligonj Upazila (16 villages) DANIDA through Banchte Shekha September 2004- June 2008 now closed.
Gender Equality projects conducted advocacy programme Community mobilization, engagement of stakeholder, building network with others like minded organization etc Jhenaidah District USHA January 2005-December 2010
NEED project: Need oriented Education on Election and Democracy Voter Awareness & education, participation of civil society people & professionals Ensure enlistment of poorest of the poor, Handicapped and minority people and franchise their voting rights Kaligonj Upazila (15 Unions) and Jhenaidah Sadar EC through Wave Foundation April 2006 to Jan 2007 Now closed
Global Fund for Food Security Awareness of the farmers, form network and establishment of their rights Farmers have been aware about safe foods and have been capaciated in adopting organic agriculture, They are united and became aware of their rights Kaligonj Upazila Action Aid and Jagrato Juba Sangha (JJS) September 2004 and closed in 2008
Integrated community based arsenic mitigation project and sanitation To Prevent arsenic sis from target area help and support to arsenic sis patient through advocacy and awareness raising kaliganj Upazilla own /NGO forum Jessore Started in 2001 and closed in <2009>
Voter and Civic education and observation of ninth parliamentary election Awareness building through milking special meeting and rallies Motivated to be voter as a citizen of the country 3 unions of Kaliganj Upazila and 2 unions of Jhenaidah Upazila Asia Foundation through Khan Foundation October,2007 to 2008. now closed
Improve and empowerment of rural poor and under privileged women and children To build up capacity of the women and children and to create employment and income earning opportunities women are being empowered kaliganj upazilla under Jhenaidah zilla Hope for the children Started 05/06/07 & closed in 2009
Campaign for Sustainable Rural livelihood (CSRL) Achieving a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) through participation of small and marginalized farmers including women. Fair price for agro products Ensuring employment for women to gain economic leadership. Safeguarding agro based small and medium, entrepreneur Kaliganj Upazilla under Jhenaidah District. Oxfam Bangladesh & Own Started since 2010 and ongoing
Road safety Awareness rising through training, advocacy. Driver(worker unions , vehicle owners association leader . related persons are being conscious about the importance of road safety Jhenaidah district GTZ, LGED , ADB. Started 1/07/2008 t0 June 2009
Establishment and protection of rights of vegetable producing farmer. To ensure the rights of farmer from the local government institution /organization. government institution will be more effective for farmer services kaliganj upazilla Action in Development with the help of Manusher Jonno foundation January 2009 – January 2012
Campaign and advocacy for achieving MDG -CAMDG To assess the situation whether this strategy will full fill the MDG This will help to make new strategy for achieving MDG 1 union under Kaliganj Upazilla UNDP through wave foundation June-December -2009 now closed
working children development program in Jhenaidah District Significantly Reduce child labor in Jhenaidah District About 900 children will be withdrawn from risky & hazardous workplaces. Kaliganj & Kotchandpur Upazilla Kinder missionwerk, Germany 2012-2015
Vulnerable Group Feeding Prevent the poor or those vulnerable to shocks and poverty from falling below a certain poverty level. Food-based safety net programs support adequate consumption and contribute to improving nutrition and securing livelihoods. Batighata & Paikgacha Upozila Under Khulna District Ministry of women & Children Affairs 1 January 2012 – December 2020