“Promoting and Protecting Rights of the Working Children (PPRWC)” has been operated in Jhenaidah qand Magura districts under the support from MJF since 2007. Recently the donor support is not available but SBF keep the project continue with its own at limited areas. The core concerns of the project is to save working children who are in involved with different types of worst forms of works including to promote the child rights at home and surrounding areas where they have common access. The overall goal of the project is to help the children getting equal right of enjoying basic human needs and mainstreaming in the society with social activation through sensitization and mobilization. In below some cumulative achievements are shown that come through the project intervention.


  • More than 3000 children have been received PSS supports through SOH
  • 1610 children have been mainstreamed and taken admission in different educational institutions;
  • A majority among the targeted children have been aware about their constitutional rights;
  • Guardians have been aware and being more responsive to their beloved child/ren;
  • Employers of the working children have been aware about the child rights and behaving well with the working children and giving facilities to go to school or SOH;
  • Local influential personnel also become responsible being aware about the child rights;